Dragonman: Shadow (Common)
Species: Dragonman. Breed: Shadow. Class: Monster (Enchanted).
Align: Roll on the following chart:
%Roll: Aligns:
01-05: Apathetic (a more neutral tendency toward others not of its kind).
06-10: Chaotic (Highly unstable).
11-70: Evil (dark hearted).
71-00: Good (stern, but just hearted).
Gender: 01-50: Female, 51-00: Male.
Level: 11 + 1-D20. Damage-Points: 2-D10+2 x level.
Number encountered: 1-D4.
Experience-Points: 45 x level.
Awareness: Hearing: 30, Sense of Smell: 30, Sixth Sense: 24, Taste: 25, Touch: 28, Vision: 35,
Charisma -: Appearance: See: "Description". Speech: 24, Constitution: 32, Coordination: 35, Dexterity: 35, Intelligence: 26, Mental-Strength: 40, Strength: 30, Wisdom: 24.
Flying: 24. Grounded: 12. Swimming: 4.
Luck: 1-D6 per level.
Oxygen-Points: 120.
Blood-Points: 96.
Attack descriptions: Range: Damage: Attack type:
Bite ----------- : 1 1 space (5'). 1-D8 (+1-D8 per level). Sharp.
Claws --------- : 2 1 space (5'). 1-D8 (+1-D8 per level). Sharp.
Tail-Strike: - : 1 2 spaces (10'). 1-D8 (+1-D8 per level). Blunt.
Note: All physical attacks (above) can be attempted per turn.
Special ------ : See: "Special Offenses".
Defense: 35. Offense: 35.
Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:
30+ for 1-D4 items.
Begin rolling on the UnCommon chart.
Check each creature for treasure.
Treasure items this creature has will be used (it will know and how to use each item it has).
Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.
Description: Eye color: Black. Eye shape: Medium and slanted. Height: 6' 6". Length: 11'-0".
Posture: Quadruped (can walk upright as well). Scale color: Ash-black. Skin texture: Scaly.
Weight: 260 Lbs. Wingspan: 13' 0". Wing contour: Thick, bat-like leathery wings.
This creature appears as a half humanoid, half dragon, dark as night.
Dislikes ----- : Mankind.
Disposition - : This creature enjoys infiltrating and gathering information on all sentient creatures. For what reason this creature gathers information is strictly up to the Game Master.
Fears -------- : None.
Habitat ------ : Dark Forest and other regions.
Immunities - : Fear, Pain, Poison (excluding Toxin Poison).
Life-span --- : 4 Ages (4,000 years).
Likes -------- : Gathering information on sentient being, especially mankind.
Needs ------- : Basic needs of life (food, water, shelter, Etc.).
Note --------- : None.
Special Abilities:
Night-Vision (as the Psychic's spell).
The Shadow Dragonman has the following Thief abilities equal to its level:
Climb Structure
Forced Silence
Move Undetected
Special Defenses:
Damage-Reduction: 5 to physical attacks.
Natural thick scaled hide skin: Roll needed to turn certain attacks:
Acid ------- : 80+
Blunt ------ : 70+
Cold ------- : Can't
Electricity : Can't
Fire ------- : 81+
Needle --- : 80+
Sharp ----- : 80+
Special Offenses:
Susceptibilities: Bright light will partially blind this creature (-10 on Defense and Offense).
Weapon susceptibility: Rank-0 Enchanted weapon to harm.